State Of Math - Grades 6 - 8

Thursday, August 17, 2006

State of Math At Long (Week 2) - Observations

1. Math Department Team Meeting: August 23, 2006

Agenda & Exit Questions

Monday, August 14, 2006

First Team Meeting (August 8th, 2006)

Agenda and Intro Activities - Tapping Our Team's Treasure

1. Location & Logistics: Math Team members met for the first time in Mr. Cruz' classroom. Team members received revised TEKS and CLEAR horizontal and vertical documents sent individually and electronically.

2. Materials Shared: As the school server was down, team members did not view the PPTs on the New CLEAR and the new TEKS as planned. Instead, the team reviewed an Agenda with packets and handouts including the following: 1) Instructional Updates from HISD (New Clear) and TEA (all refined TEKS); 2) Color-Coded grids for CLEAR Model Lessons, 3) Big Ideas Presented Vertically and Color Coded by NCTM Strand; 4) Info on PLC Initiatives, 5) Data on AP-Alignment Issues, 6) GT Identification and LEP/TELPAS Data; 7) Other Tools.

3. Team Size: We learned through our sign-in sheets that our team consisted of not 12 members, but 25 (2n + 1). This formed the basis for our creating a distribution list.

4. PLCS: Team Members placed themselves in self-designated expert group strands based on the TEKS and NCTM strands. These categorizations formed the bases for our PLC teams. Team Members sit in these strands when they come to each team meeting.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

State of Math at Long (Week 1) Observations

See Principal's Report.

(It is my custom as a Specialist to write these weekly)

On 8/17/2006, Math team members saw the TEA PPT on the new TEKS, and engaged in aligned activities.

Exit Questions on its use aligned with our core 3 questions for the year.
On 8/14/2006, all team members received the PPS on Navigating the New Clear.